


The constant barrage of SPAM, SCAMS, Solicitations, etc., has tremendously complicated your ability to get the instant support you deserve. Rather than increasing the cost of our products to pay for a full-time SPAMSITTER, we offer the following:

  1. TEXT MESSAGING: 1 + 208 + 230 + 1050
    (Not necessarily being monitored constantly, but your best bet for a quick response.)
  2. EMAIL via this SPAM-limiting form:

      300 West Elm Street
      New Plymouth, Idaho 83655-3020


    We are Ann and Bruce Chenoweth, the “A” and “B” of ABCompany.

    ABCompany is now a part-time, home-based business due to Ann’s and Bruce’s “retirement.” The primary services and products that we offer are:

    1. High-quality, high-impact nutritional products–especially those consisting of or containing Aloe vera inner leaf gel powder.
    2. Health-enhancing information and ideas.
    3. Web hosting and design.
    4. Graphic design and enhancement.
    5. Local area courier services.
    6. Other products and services which potentially enhance the well-being of humans, animals, and plants.

    Administration for ABCompany is achieved in various parts of our home at 300 West Elm Street in New Plymouth, Idaho. The savings on office and commuting expenses are reflected in reduced product and service pricing

    Bruce is the “Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer” (defined as “a person who performs a wide variety of routine but important tasks,” if you are not familiar with the expression). Most of what happens within the company is his responsibility and the result of his ideas, designs, and efforts.

    Ann is now more interested in her vegetable gardens but still lends a hand, runs an errand, and makes a delivery now and then when needed.

    Although we have employed many people in the past, ABCompany does not currently employ anyone other than ourselves.